Howdy Folks!
I had a busy start to the year with a big weekend headlining with The Pat Capocci Combo, and Rusty Pinto, at the 10th annual Kustom Nats, on the first weekend of Jan at Phillip island. Here's how the weekend went
The weekend started early on the Thursday,with a trip down to one of my favourite venues, the LuWOW in Johnston st Fitzroy, to catch the launch of a split CD from Rusty Pinto, ant the Pat Capocci Combo. The boys did a set each, and D.J Dingo span some classic 45's in the breaks.
I got there nice and early, and was able to sit in with the boys as they had a run through before the gig
Taking Pats 1949 Gibson for a spin! |
Rust was first up that night, and the Melbourne crowed really dug his new stuff, as you'd expect them too, he has an amazing voice! (voice envy, right here!)
Once Rusty warmed the crowed up (and the hearts of many a girl!) Dingo played some tunes, until Pat and the boys come out swinging!
The LuWOW is a great place to play, and to catch bands of all persuasions, and I love catching up with friends there
With Candice Deville, and Erin Amber |
Anna Key, and Arthur Mats in the foreground |
Cutting the rug with Candice |
Sneaky shot of Erins long dreadlocks. I think Rusty approves! |
Once the boys had finished, D.J Dingo took the night home playin cool tracks till stumps!
Then it was off to stay the night at my sisters house in NarreWarren.
Next morning I headed over to Dingo's place, met up with the boys, and car pooled it to Phillip island.
Once there, we stopped at an IGA, and stocked up on important supplies
Feeling a little in adequate next to Damien, and his slab |
Sneaky shot of me, waiting for the rest of the guys to finish shopping |
After dumping our stuff at the unit, we strolled down the beach for a toss of the frisbee, and general beach antics
Then onto our accom, where we soon made ourselves comfortable, and settled in for the night
Nathan showing us how it's done |
Colonel Dingo hit the wine early! |
After a pretty late (and loud) night, Dingo and I got up early, to get to the race track and set up his stall. The weather was great on the Saturday, and there was heaps of cool cars
(photo credits, Anna Key, Jason Gardner, Loaded Dice Photography, Speed Shop Photography, and me!)
Rusty had a gig in the arvo at the track, which went down a treat with the rodders.
We then packed up and headed into Cowes for out evening show, where Pat and the boys was first cab off the rank. The crowed really dug Pats stuff, and there was quite a mob of folk gathered by the time he finished.
Rusty and the boys had the middle spot and kept the swelling crowed happy, and Rusty was still stealing hearts, or at least, that general part of the body!
While the boys played, I caught up with friends
With Erin Amber . Nice photo bombing Damo! (Pats Bass player)
With Chrissie Magill |
Dressed up, ready to Rock(abilly!) |
By the time I got on, it was quite dark, but the crowed had hung around, and I aimed to make it worth their while!
I had a great set with Pat and the boys and got a great reception from the onlookers. But the weather started turning feral in my last song, so once we finished the crowed bolted, and once we packed up the stage, we did to. back to our accom, to beat the rain, and have a few quite celebratory drinks
The next morning, the rain was bucketing down and we got to the track thinking our shows would be called off, but not long after we got there, the sun came out, and the show went on!
Pat and the boys had an early gig, at 10am, and pretty much played to the stall holders, and some car guys who didn't let the rain stop them from coming. It's always tough to get fired up for a gig in this situation, but Pat, Damo, and Greg did an amazing job.
As the day went on, and the sun stayed out, more and more cars came out, and the day turned out about as big as the day before.
The track dried off, and i managed to get a few laps in with friends Neil, and Denise Caslake in their 59 Mercury, before my gig in the afternoon.
Others enjoyed the track too
After lunch, we got up and did our arvo set which was down the back, in some shedding, that earlier in the day was like a ghost town for the early bands. Thankfully, quite a crowed had got there buy the time I got up.
Because the weather looked soooo bad in the morning, and I expected the show would be cancelled, I didn't get dressed up as per usual, and I got to say, I felt mighty under dressed!
With Pat and Damo, before going on |
Nathan Gamble was our roady/security, and did a ripper job! |
Rockin out in the shed! |
We the road home to Melbourne later that arvo, but not before stopping in at a pub in San Remo to catch a couple of Sets of mainly original tunes from Paulie Bignell, and the Thornbury two, very cool tunes indeed Paulie!
Then it was onto Dingo's place in Melbourne for the night, then onto Echuca the following morning.
All was not done yet for the week tho. Rusty and Pat, and the boys had been recording new tunes Monday and Tuesday at Paulie's 'Hailstone studio'. And I came back to Melbourne to record a tune with the boys I wrote as a theme song for a TV show, called Bumper to Bumper (show about classic cars). We had a few run throughs, then nailed it on about the 4th try. It's always a pleasure to record at Paulies!
Pat runnin through the riff at the intro of the song, with Rusty and Dingo looking on |
Damo, Matt and Paulie ready to record |
Once we got er done, Pat and Damo hit the road for the long drive to Sydney, and we did a little work on the mixing side of things. I also got to sing a bass line on one of Rustys tunes.
Paulie and I did a bit more mixin of Bumper to Bumper after lunch, then I hit the road home to 3 little kids who were missing their Daddy.
A big week, but a fun one!
Take care